Etiquettes of Power (Part 4): Triangulation
Etiquettes of Power (Part 4): Triangulation
The Seeds of Origin’s moral codes dictate that Black Authorities adhere to strict etiquettes of power.
The fourth Etiquette of Power is Triangulation.
Triangulation is the exploitation of white livestock by manipulating time, space, and reality. Each of these three elements represents separate vertices that culminate in reaching complete domestication and psychological acquisition of livestock.
Time represents observation, the one thing there is always too little of and thus a necessity, always in demand. Momentary observation is never wise, productive, or satisfying. You must diligently take your time to thoroughly observe your livestock, its behaviors, peculiarities, angst, and indulgences.
Never associate your observation with a timetable or calendar. Observation takes as long as it takes and should, when necessary, be compartmentalized for the greatest efficiency. Your animal is not a single-dimensional creature. It has multiple facets, ridges, and crevices that comprise its individual nature. Observing its nature over the long term is the only thing that assures the successful integration of your animal into your household.
The nature of each animal dictates its ability to function within the parameters you set for your household or herd. And while you may standardize the vast majority of your requirements of functionality, the success of how well your animal performs will depend on the accuracy and comprehensiveness of your observations into every aspect of the animal’s nature.
Take pride in your ability to observe your animal without emotional influences and ties. You have the freedom to disassociate yourself from any resemblance of feelings, emotions, or pain you might imagine your animal having. They don’t experience such things.
Space represents formulation, which can only occur once you have collected sufficient data through observation. By becoming familiar with your animal’s nature, you equip yourself with the ammunition you’ll need to reach your ultimate goal, owning the animal well beyond the physical realm.
Your objective is to determine the best methods to mold, manipulate, and reprogram your animal. Utilize every tool at your disposal to produce the critter that best suits your expectations, ambitions, and asset-worthiness quotient.
Just as you should compartmentalize your observation, you should do the same during your formulation cycles. While ongoing and ever-changing, the data gained through observation constantly fuels new and improved formulation cycles. Don’t get too locked down by writing your plans in stone — be flexible as and when necessary based on new data.
The proof of your manipulation and reprogramming will become evident as your animal transforms into your ideal critter. The updated data transmitted through your animal’s improved nature will constantly inform the evolution of your formulation cycles.
Never take the formulation cycles lightly. Approach each cycle as a thoroughly ambitious challenge to conquer the beast by mindfucking it into a mindless obsessive addiction. Remember, manipulating and reprogramming your animal is all about creating a critter that is obsessively addicted to fulfilling its most authentic nature.
Reality represents motivation, which directly transforms your feral animal into domesticated livestock. Putting your formulation cycles into action motivates livestock to commit to its most base nature.
Nothing is more satisfying than watching a motivated animal adapting to your expectations. Especially as you actively strip away every inhibition, false Great Lie privilege, and its miseducation. Taking a front-row seat in the animal’s head as the mindfuck takes root, you witness the animal losing control and capitulating, giving in to the completeness of truth.
Make your expectations the center of your animal’s reality. Nothing else should have residency in the animal’s head. The motivation you impose upon your animal should leave it feeling pangs of withdrawal when they fail to meet your specific conditions.
Cultivating the perfect livestock is a constantly ever-changing proposition. But your natural ability to triangulate is your power, and you should exploit it to the full. Psychologically, intense and constant triangulation can not harm the animal; it can only improve it.