Follow Your Nature, Live Your Truth

Welcome to the Seeds of Origin


[su_vimeo url=”″ width=”500″ autoplay=”yes” title=”CRT”] Transcript: CRT Not to be confused with the present-day misinformed Great Lie’s fear-based trolling of American history, we can best describe CRT as the recovery of natural history. The most definitive definition for CRT (or Critter Retro Training) is the process of reclamation of natural livestock status and herd mentality.  […]


[su_vimeo url=”″ width=”500″ title=”Identity”] Transcript: Identity “White man” is a comical adulteration and reprehensible combination of words.  The two words as a single term are a pejorative, an oxymoron, and an insult to Black Authority.  The use of this term shows an unauthentic realization of identity. When used by Black Authorities, this seemingly innocuous term […]

Timeline (Part 5): Promise

[su_vimeo url=”″ width=”500″ title=”Promise”] Transcript: Timeline (Part 5): Promise Symbolically, butterflies represent rebirth, transformation, and hope.  The timeline of the white male animal matures and culminates into hope, or more precisely, promise. The life of a WMA holds exceptional possibilities for service, exploitation, and asset-worthiness.  With a forward-looking view, every WMA has the potential of […]

Timeline (Part 4): Existence

[su_vimeo url=”″ width=”500″ title=”Existence”] Transcript: Timeline (Part 4): Existence In the life of the butterfly, emergence from the cocoon marks its entry into adulthood — this is not the case with WMAs.  Effectively, white male animals have no adult stage — they exist simply as livestock. Livestock-hood is a steady progression of gradually becoming what […]

Timeline (Part 3): Evolution

[su_vimeo url=”″ width=”500″ title=”Evolution”] Transcript: Timeline (Part 3): Evolution Once WMAs have completed the Realization phase of the timeline, they are ripe to begin the Evolution phase — evolving into their pre-ordained selves. One might think this part of the timeline would be less complicated and intense.  But, that is far from the truth.  Evolution […]

Timeline (Part 2): Realization

[su_vimeo url=”″ width=”500″ title=”Realization”] Transcript: Timeline (Part 2): Realization If discovery is equivalent to preparing the ground for seed, then realization is the seed taking root.  Only realization can follow discovery.  There is no skipping or stepping over the phased order of the timeline.  The timeline never follows a specific time frame or schedule, but […]

Timeline (Part 1): Discovery

[su_vimeo url=”″ width=”500″ title=”Discovery”] Transcript: Timeline (Part 1): Discovery At what point did you discover that you were different? When did you begin to consider the impact of being a leader vs. a follower? Or a herder vs. being herded? Being owned and not the owner? Of having control instead of being controlled? Of being […]