Evaluating Surface Asset-worthiness of white male animals

Seeds of Origin needs to assess the Surface Asset-worthiness of the white livestock herd.  All animals are required to take the assessment below. Answer each question as honestly as possible.  Avoid responding with answers it thinks we want to hear.

Do not refresh or close the page before completing the task.  It will only have one chance to finish this exercise, so make sure to set aside plenty of time before starting.

Be patient after completing the last question. It may take up to 5 minutes to tabulate its assessment.  At the end of this exercise, it can download a Certificate of Completion stating its expected starting bid price at auction.

Good luck!


Evaluating Surface Asset-worthiness of white male animals

The number of attempts remaining is 1

1 / 109

COLLAR RATING:  Choose the collar type that best describes it.

2 / 109

How long has it been self aware of what it is?

3 / 109


4 / 109


5 / 109


6 / 109


7 / 109


8 / 109


9 / 109


10 / 109


11 / 109


12 / 109

BODY TYPE RATING: It works out (exercise)

13 / 109

Dose it like serving random Black Authorites?

14 / 109

Has it ever taken blame for something done by a Black Authority?

15 / 109

Is it easily disappointed?

16 / 109

Does it plan for long term goals?

17 / 109

Is it easily offended?

18 / 109

Is it easily embarrassed?

19 / 109

Does it help people only to gain something in return?

20 / 109

Does it prioritize its feelings above those of others?

21 / 109

Is is considerate of the feelings of others?

22 / 109

Does it put the needs of others before its own needs or desires?

23 / 109

Which is most important to you?

24 / 109

Which is most important to you?

25 / 109

Which is most important to you?

26 / 109

Which is most important to you?

27 / 109

Which is most important to you?

28 / 109

Which is most important to you?

29 / 109

Which is most important to you?

30 / 109

Which is most important to you?

31 / 109

Which is most important to you?

32 / 109

Which is most important to you?

33 / 109

Which is most important to you?

34 / 109

How would it describe itself?

35 / 109

How would it describe itself?

36 / 109

How would it describe itself?

37 / 109

How would it describe itself?

38 / 109

How would it describe itself?

39 / 109

How would it describe itself?

40 / 109

How would it describe itself?

41 / 109

How would it describe itself?

42 / 109

How would it describe itself?

43 / 109

How would it describe itself?

44 / 109

How would it describe itself?

45 / 109

How would it describe itself?

46 / 109

How would it describe itself?

47 / 109

How would it describe itself?

48 / 109

How would it describe itself?

49 / 109

How would it describe itself?

50 / 109

How would others describe it?

51 / 109

How would others describe it?

52 / 109

How would others describe it?

53 / 109

How would others describe it?

54 / 109

How would others describe it?

55 / 109

How would others describe it?

56 / 109

How would others describe it?

57 / 109

How would others describe it?

58 / 109

How would others describe it?

59 / 109

How would others describe it?

60 / 109

How would others describe it?

61 / 109

How would others describe it?

62 / 109

How would others describe it?

63 / 109

How would others describe it?

64 / 109

How would others describe it?

65 / 109

Does it proofread its texts before sending them?

66 / 109

It prefers shopping

67 / 109

Is it a messy eater?

68 / 109

Does it make its bed every morning?

69 / 109

Is it meticulous about completing assigned tasks?

70 / 109

Does it have good time management skills?

71 / 109

Does it maintain a schedule?

72 / 109

Its home is...

73 / 109

Does it correct the grammar of others on social media?

74 / 109

Does it keep perfectly manicured nails?

75 / 109

Does it always drive the speed limit?

76 / 109

Does it pay attention to detail?

77 / 109

Does it iron its clothes?

78 / 109

Does it always wash its hands after using the restroom?

79 / 109

Does it like being the center of attention?

80 / 109

It prefers

81 / 109

Is it adventurous?

82 / 109

Is it easily stressed?

83 / 109

Is it generally on time?

84 / 109

Does it ever wear the same underwear two or more days in a row?

85 / 109

Does it lie about its age or weight?

86 / 109

Is it a quick learner?

87 / 109

It considers Seeds of Origin as

88 / 109

It considers Seeds of Origin as:

89 / 109

Which is its primary drive?

90 / 109

What best describes its primary purpose?

91 / 109

What best describes its primary purpose?

92 / 109

What best describes its primary purpose?

93 / 109

What best describes its primary purpose?

94 / 109

It considers itself as:

95 / 109

Does it consider itself worthy of attention from Black Authority?

96 / 109

Should Black Authorities consider its feelings and desires?

97 / 109

Would it give up its present existence to live fully as a Seeds of Origin disciple?

98 / 109

Is is able to devote its life to the Seeds of Origin and the Original Seed?

99 / 109

Would it publicly out itself as the property of the Original Seed?

100 / 109

While waiting in a long line

101 / 109

Its idea of a roommate is?

102 / 109

If it had a choice, it would be

103 / 109

It is more interested in?

104 / 109

What word does it like most?

105 / 109

It tells its parents about the new Black Man in its life, what does it say?

106 / 109

It tells it parents about the new Black Man in its life, what does it do?

107 / 109

Dinner is served and it has an option, which does it choose?

108 / 109

Its father calls it "a Black Man's pussy cum slut." In response

109 / 109

Choose one.

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