Anyone here?

Forums Ask Seeds of Origin Anyone here?

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  • #3833

    I noticed that this website has no way to contact the webmaster, or anyone for assistance. The ebook “Understanding the White Male Animal” states that a WMA ID card can be obtained from the seeds of origin website but I can’t find it anywhere in the store or anywhere else. It also states that “Seeds of Origin welcomes all virtual Accreditation invitations.” But I don’t see anyplace to make such a request or where such requests have been accepted. I see the census is still for 2021 and it is now 2023, there is no data listed for 2022 or 2023. I’ve also noticed all the posts here seem to be from non-black men, and there are no answers from any blacks to anything that has been posted other than uploading links to the podcasts.

    So is anyone here? Is this site dead? What’s the deal? Someone on mentioned reading the books on this site which is how I found out about it but it doesn’t seem like there is any community here other than a sole single visitor who surfs in once in a while. What gives?


    I’m here but there’s not much activity lately.


    I don’t think anyone is here.

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